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The idea behind the program se...

17 Jan 2025
The idea behind the program seemed interesting, so I decided to give it a shot. I appreciated that we were given a few days and multiple time slots to choose from, which made scheduling easy. Since it's a 'blind' experience, we were paired randomly, without any prior information about our match. Before the meeting, I received a confirmation email that was clear and easy to understand.

When I arrived at the café, I was looking for a big poster as mentioned in the email, but it turned out the 'poster' was an iPad! 🤣 The staff was friendly and quickly went over the details again when my match arrived. Overall, it went smoothly, and I had a pleasant conversation with the person I was matched with. It was a good and casual experience, and I’m glad I gave it a try.
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Local Friends | Business Registration Number: 810-08-02793

Online Sales: 제 2024-서울강동-1375호 

Representative: Byungmin Jung | Personal Information Manager: Byungmin Jung

Email: byungmin916@gmail.com | Contact Number: 010-3789-8837

2nd Floor, Building B, Hyeosung Wellington Town, Cheonho Station, 610 Olympic-ro, Gangdong-gu, Seoul

Operating Hours: (Mon-Fri) 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

로컬 프렌즈(Local Friends) acts as an intermediary in online sales and is not a party to the transactions.

로컬 프렌즈(Local Friends) assumes no responsibility for the product information or transactions posted by hosts. 

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Local Friends | Business Registration Number: 810-08-02793

Online Sales: Pending Registration

Representative: Byungmin Jung | Personal Information Manager: Byungmin Jung

Email: byungmin916@gmail.com | Contact Number: 010-3789-8837

2nd Floor, Building B, Hyeosung Wellington Town, Cheonho Station, 610 Olympic-ro, Gangdong-gu, Seoul

Operating Hours: (Mon-Fri) 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

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